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An era when women began to shine as themselves

The coveted sixties


It was a time when young people, who were trying to escape the heavy, closed atmosphere of the Cold War and the Vietnam War, sought freedom in music, fashion, and other areas, creating new cultures. Also, at that time, prejudice and discrimination against women remained strong, and women were expected to support men at work, stay at home and take care of the home after marriage, and so on. It was a difficult time even if they wanted to live their own way and take on new challenges.
However, it was also in the 1960s that the position of women began to change dramatically. In the 1960s, women who were just as active as men began to appear in various fields.
We were still young and didn't experience the 60's directly, but as we grew from junior high school students to university students we came to love the 60's and were greatly influenced by it.

The first Western music that influenced me was The Beatles, and in fashion, Twiggy was the driving force behind the miniskirt trend... This era was filled with a timeless charm. A group of friends who love the 60s got together to bring 60s-inspired fashion to the world.

That's "60's a gogo."

"60's a gogo" not only aims to promote fashion, but also to gather friends who share information about the 1960s, and to give shape to each of their favorite things.

"60's a gogo" just started in 2021, and we hope you will all enjoy it with us.

A tribute to Jacqueline


The first product of "60's a gogo" was the "Jacqueline" series of one-piece dresses, featuring the "A-line" and "box-line" styles that were popular in the 1960s. The series name "Jacqueline" comes from the fact that it pays homage to Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of the US President.

Even though she was the First Lady, she exuded a free-spirited air and was a glamorous, dignified and refreshing woman who epitomized the 1960s. Ever since I was old enough to understand, I have admired, respected and loved Jacqueline, thinking she was a wonderful person and wishing I could be like her.

And because the clothes are named after someone I love, I put a lot of love into each and every piece, from choosing the fabric to sewing and shipping, and I only want to release products that I am happy with.

Furthermore, I believe that choosing "Jacqueline" from among the many clothes available is an opportunity that I would like to cherish, feeling that it is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
"Jacqueline" has just been born, so if you have any comments or advice, please feel free to let us know. We will use your comments and advice to help us develop our future products.

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